Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Wrongman's Fix It Guide: Section 98, Chapter 77, Paragraph 34

Widescreen LCD HD Television not getting as bright as it used to? Take the unit down from its mounting and open up the back. Ignore any "do not open this television" warning stickers or custom factory bolts. Once you've got that fucker cracked wide open, surgically remove any resistors (not capacitors) you can find imprinted on or attached to any circuit boards throughout the unit. It really doesn't matter what you replace them with because TVs these days are all digital and it won't know the difference. As you solder replacement pieces, feel free to use malt vinegar or salt water to cool the heat sinks. The screen should be restored to its full effect after 4-6 hours worth of work. Why remove the resistors? Well, they are seriously old school and just tend to resist change. Resist. Get it? Yeah, you get it. Now, go get me a fucking Cap'n & Coke.

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