"H-h-hello. mmuh muuhh My nn n nn ame is Mu muuummmmmMICHAEL J. F-f-f--fffffox.gnrhjhfbv PppaaaappParkinson's 's 's 's fuck is a v ve vuh vuh vuh very tickity fuck serioussssseseses disease. AH. dj3278 gggrrrr.
Many many many mmman manm mannny pppp p puh pee puu puh people ddd u du duh dittiy do down don't understand D this dd d d disEASE whoashitmypants. Man man mannny times whu whu... whuuuuuu... whhuuuuuuu when I'm on the MOTHERFUCKING STREETS pp p puh puh popfuck people make fuckity fun fuck of me shitheads. Little do they... they... they... they... KNOW that I can I can I can no I CAN"T fucking CONTOL IT! YOW!
Sss s s sso, comma ,,,, if you knoooooooooow s-s-s-ssssomeone witch witty wickly with Paaaarkinsons disss uf fuckit disease sdf9g7t&&%, donut donut do not no don't t t t wet t shirt don't make FUN OF THEM YOU DICK HOLE!"
Its like....turrets or something too.....poor bastard.
Yeah that's right make fun of the disabled, that will get you far in life
I don't intend to go anywhere in life.
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