Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ten Useless Things you probably don't want to say on voice mail

  1. Dude, your Mom feels sooo good.
  2. I'm going to kill you and no one will ever know it was me. MUAHAHA! Hello?
  3. (singing) Happy Hitler to you! Happy Hitler to you! Happy Hitler dear frauline! Happy Hitler to you!
  4. So, no, I didn't wear protection. But, I figured, hey, when am I ever going to get back to Haiti?
  5. My iPhone is going to fuck your Blackberry and there's not a god damn thing you can do about it.
  6. Uhhhhh... uhhhh... almost there.... almost... UHhhh!
  7. Dear Jesus. FUCK OFF AND DIE AGAIN, WOULD YOU? Christ!
  8. Sorry, honey, but I'm going to get home even later than I thought tonight because Hooters has extended their hours.
  9. Hello, my name is________ and I am looking to purchase a massive amount of cocaine so I can start dealing it to underage students at the local high school. Please call me back with your rates and availability. Thank you.
  10. Holy shit, I am so fucking drunk right now. Wait... what exit was I supposed to take to get to your street? Whatever. I'll figure it out after I do this shot.

It was costume day at the TUB.

Looking good, boys. Looking good!

Big changes coming to the Cape!

US Interior Secretary Kenneth Salazar yesterday approved the nation’s first offshore wind farm, the controversial Cape Wind project first proposed nine years ago in the beloved waters of Nantucket Sound, and proclaimed the dawn of a new era of clean energy in the United States.

“This will be the first of many projects up and down the Atlantic Coast,’’ Salazar said at a State House press conference with Governor Deval Patrick at his side.

Cape Wind Associates, the developer, said it planned to begin construction of the 130 turbines about 5 miles off Cape Cod by the end of the year, even as the main opposition group announced that it would immediately file a lawsuit in an effort to block the $1 billion project.

What are some other projects being developed in the Cape Cod area?

  • The worlds largest Gaydar installation in Provincetown
  • Formal approval for construction to begin on the Beckerstead Estates Condominiums
  • Moped / Scooter trails to be installed all over the fucking place
  • Improved National Seashore Protection to increase sexual activity in the sand dunes
  • Separate public restrooms and drinking fountains for wealthy white residents
  • 1,000 new liquor licenses to be issued for bars and taverns to occupy the local fishermen who will now have nowhere to fish
  • A bigger boat for Chief Brody

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hey. Dude. Your Hat Is On Backwards.

Excuse me. I know I don't know you, but I figured no one was telling you because they didn't want to embarrass you. It's no big deal and I'm sure no one has noticed. Don't get mad at me. I'm just looking out for you.

You put your hat on backwards. The bill goes in the front.

It's a simple mistake. I'm sure we've all done it from time to time. You got up early, brushed you teeth, took a crap and by then you were running late. You grabbed your hat and just threw it on. Well, it's backwards. Before anyone else noticed, I'd fix it. You don't want to be laughed at. Look, I'd tell you if food were stuck in your teeth or had TP on your shoe. I'm just that kind of guy. I hate to see people look like fools. Unless it's that punk Grissom. I hate him.

So, fix your hat.

You're welcome.

Oh. And while you're at it, stop fucking tailgating me.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Totally Useless Facts About The Internet

  • The internet started with the sharing of porn - not the sharing of IBM computers as once believed - in the early 1960s at institutions such as Dartmouth University and Fitchburg State College.
  • Ethernet is a protocol or system for a set of computer networking technologies for local area networks (LANs), the origins of which came from Bob Metcalfe's Harvard's dissertation on "Inhaling Ether Fumes while Doing Coke in the Computer Labs."
  • Every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube. Not a single second of it is worth more than the shit I took after dinner.
  • In Australia, 53 out of 100 people believe they are surfing the internet but in fact they are actually surfing the gnarly Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast.
  • Tim Berners-Lee coined the phrase "World Wide Web" in 1990. He also coined the phrases: "fabulous fuckstink winkies", "geeky lady spillers" and "side-fumbling reduction cunts."
  • The internet is growing faster than you think. Consider that It took 38 years for radio to reach 50 million users, 13 years for TV, 5 years for the Internet and 3 fucking minutes for Ashton Kutcher to tweet out a pic of Demi Moore in her underwear.
  • Al Gore didn't have a fucking thing to do with the invention of the hyper global mega net. NOT A FUCKING THING. GOD DAMN I AM SO SICK OF YOUR SHIT, WOMAN!
  • 35.6% of internet users are Asian. 35.6% of methamphetamine users are also Asian.
  • HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Hysterical Tiny Titty Pictures.
  • There are nearly 2 billion Internet users worldwide. Of those 2 billion only about 6 people at any given time are contributing something useful. The rest of them are just watching videos of dramatic prairie dogs and Googling "how old is Victoria Justice?"

Today's Useless Animation

Movie Review

How to Frame Your Last Airbender's Avatar

M. Knight Pixar Cameron's latest offering is a saucy tale of rebels, soldiers, cute Mongolian monks, and of course, cgi creatures. I hoped in my K Car, bought 4 gallons of low lead and headed off to the drive in to experience this gnarly funbag of fantasy tussling with my best girl Imaginary. We were pleased with the popcorn, but it was too expensive and so we made out instead.

The script was well written, for a juvenile attempt at capturing the hero saga epic. The characters are cardboard cut out renderings of cliche archetypal heroes from more more interesting works by Tolkien, Asimov, and that guy who wrote King Arthur and Beowulf. The imaginary bullshit stands up pretty well to my recent dreams about killing fairies. But we don't go to movies to read (often) and so let's talk visuals.

Now, with a ten strip of acid in my system, I can't tell you what I saw, but the way I saw it was spectacular. The music was a stone groove and made that headless thing with the macaroni really jump out at you, me, the universe, wow. If one of many many things disappointed it was the over reliance on computer animation and puppets. So fake. I could tell it wasn't real. The blue chicks were hot and barely clothed, so, hey I guess it could be worse.

The acting sucked. I didn't recognize a single actor. people kept booing the actors for their bad acting. The actors acted like they'd never acted before. Then the thing blew up and I knew it was total crap. So, I made a few people scream by pouring hot coffee on them to compare to the on screen screams. Yep. Bullshit screams. Totally.

So, for ten dollars, you can either get a complete rub-out down the street or go see this movie. Or, if you have a gun, and I know I do, you don't pay for either. In any case, I highly recommend bashing this movie on forums and blogs even if you've never directed or acted in a movie before. Please be careful, and I'll see you at and after the movies!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ten Useless Things You Absolutely DO NOT Want To Say To Your Clients

  1. Have you met my business partner? He used to eat shit for money.
  2. That idea is about as good as me fucking your mother.
  3. I'm sorry I wasn't listening because your annoying voice makes me want to tear the balls right out of my sack.
  4. How about I charge you the exact amount that it's going to cost for me to go on a two week first class vacation to Bermuda?
  5. Your leading visionary talents empower me to thoroughly ideate our corporate mission statement.
  6. During today's meeting, I'd like to cover YouTube's latest videos of monkeys hurling their own feces.
  7. Wow! I've got to say that you look fantastic in that pink button down shirt, finely pressed khakis and purple sweater vest.
  8. Did you guys catch Leno last night? I didn't because I was too busy getting a $9 blowjob from a toothless hooker in Brockton.
  9. Hey, I know what we should do! Let's drop acid and fly kites at the Chucklehead concert!
  10. You shall henceforth be known as Dr. Buzzkill Von Fuckbaggs.

Today's Useless Animation

Dwarf Ridiculed for Leather Armor

Glomi Axehandle spends most of his days at Alewife Tavern, trying his best to ignore the overt stares of the other adventurers in the common room. Glomi, a Dwarf from the Highfeld Mountains, wears leather armor. While most Dwarves are brought up to honor and display shining plate armor, Glomi is proud of his light armor lifestyle.

"It's comfortable," he says. "It's not heavy. It's pretty flexible. I'm just not as comfortable in metal."

His father, Doler Axehandle, is not so sure. "Fuck, oh gods! Great beard of Thorin! I mean, FUCK!" he said, when asked about his son's choice of protection. "It's, oh, it's... I can't speak. I think I'm having a heart attack." Glomi's friends don't understand either. Froba Sheildhhewer, First Captain of the Tomb Guard, has know Glomi since they were children.
"Glomi?" Shieldhewer said, "Fag."

But the world is changing. Finutial, the spokesman for The Elven Coalition, commented on how the Age of Man has made everyone throughout the Five Realms different. "With the rule of Man upon us, much that is beautiful will fade from the earth. Some, like the elves, will cross the sea, never to return to mortal lands. And some Dwarves are wearing light armor and drinking berry wine. It's a changed world. Changed for the worse."

Glomi is patient when other Dwarves tease him. "You don't need to wear Mithril to be a real Dwarf. They laughed when Rimzor the Mad took up sorcery, and look at him now. He's head of the Mage's Guild. If a Dwarf can be an Archmagi, then I can wear leather. People will accept me in time." But what is the real reason for his choice? Dragon magazine did an investigative report on Dwarves wearing light armour and found that it's largely due to class restriction on thieves and rogues. Glomi disagrees.

"I'm a fighter," he contends, "I really am. So what that I hang back and fire arrows, and yeah I pick a few lock here and there, but I'm not a rogue." Doler Axehandle worried about his son. He's seen him avoid traps and walk on a tightrope with ease.

"Gah! What? I I I... hurrrrrr. Mmm. Oh fuck. No no no." he said.

Glomi sips at his Merlot and adjusts his feather cap with a twinkle in his eye. The twinkle is a hope. Hope that one day, the world will understand, maybe even accept him.

Friday, April 16, 2010

RIP Destro 1936-2010

Bernard Destrosino, better known as the infamous second in command of the evil paramilitary group COBRA, died earlier today at Pop's Diner in Freschette, NJ. Authorities say his death was due to his long battle with rust. "Destro developed a quarter sized hole in his dome about 2 years ago," Said Dr. Wiggles, a New Jersey podiatrist and weekend clown who performed the autopsy in a secret location somewhere near that place that's near a tollbooth. "This corrosion grew into an orange sized opening in which several squirrels made a nest."

Medical reports show that constant exposure to the elements and high pitched singing destroyed the goey outer layer of Destro's malevolent brain. Friends close to the deceased cited his recent bout of depression as the primary cause.

"He just wasn't polishing," said Major Blood. "It was like, he'd wake up, stare at the weather control machine, say 'fuck it', and go for a long walk in the rain. I mean, he could have turned off the rain, bringing drought and famine to the entire planet and ensuring the rule of COBRA over all the Earth, despite the lack of food and slaves and all that caused by said drought, yeah, he could have done that if he wanted to. He was a powerful man, you know?"

Others were less certain. Cobra Commander, the outspoken mastermind behind the perpetually foiled militia, felt there may have been foul play. "The man had a stainless steel head! I know he did, because I gave it to him for his birthday in 1963! He was never supposed to rust! NEVER! GI Joe is behind this! We will have revenge! COBRA!!!!" The Commander has experience with metal headgear. In fact, when Destro lost his organic skull during the raid on JOE HEADQUARTERS, Commander was the first person he called.

"Of course he called me, imbecile! I have a METAL FACE!" he said.

"It's a sad day," said Hawk, a GI Joe representative. "We've been competitors for so long. he really raised out level of combat. Without Destro, there'd be no Hawk. On the field, I only wanted to utterly destroy him, but as a human being, you feel for this. He had kids. Not his own kids, and he was performing horrible experiments on them, but kids none the less."

Another Joe member was less sympathetic. Snake Eyes issued a statement via his agent, saying "...... ........................ ............. ..........."

But COBRA is doing its best to move on. "I've got millions of scarffed assassins on call and every day they are killing each other for a promotion. My phone rings non stop. I'll take one of them, mix up some DNA and aluminum and make a NEW DESTRO!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAaaaa." Moving on won't be that easy. Despite never having a single victory over JI Joe, Destro was responsible for many of its clandestine projects, such as its hydro-wavulator, the earthquake button and the memorable kidnapping plot which ensnared Lady Jane. memorial services will be held in a dank fortress somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Simple Sorbet Recipe

People love sorbet. It's not iced cream. It's not frozen yougurt. But, it's not sherbert either. It's like smoothly frozen fruit juice. But how does one make it? Here's a simple recipe I learned in the war:

- Pick your favorite fruit.
- Go to the grocery store.
- Buy a hammer.
- Got to sorbet location and wait outside.
- Attack weakest customer.
- Take sorbet.

If you don't have the time for all that, I have a microwave version ready in ten minutes:

- Get bulky coat and a bag.
- Steal sorbet.
Now, if you're really in a hurry:
- Call wife and demand sorbet.

It's easy when you have the right tools, the right brain, and the right of way. Now go to bed.

Today's Useless Animation

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More Totally Useless Advice

  • Never bring bagels to Nigeria
  • All good things come to those who hook
  • Steady littering creates jobs
  • Planting flowers in human feces only hurts those who smell them
  • Believe in Jesus, get a Coke
  • When in doubt, reel in and pull out.
  • Only a Massachusetts politician could enjoy a phony bomb threat
  • Feel free to approach an angry bear
  • Tweeting about Twitter is not even slightly like watching porn while fucking
  • When in Rome, drink as the Romans drank
  • Always cut the blue wire? I think not. Go for the red. I'm positive.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Space Editorial

60% of all Americans have opinions. Some are even about things. Other people don't care. I care. Recently, Obamatron cut all funding to NASA completely, which got me doing the reverse of thinking, opinionizing. I could give a stick covered in shit about space, or the environment, or dental hygiene, or proper grammar and spelling. But I care about the state of the planets.

Pluto got demoted for being too far out, too cold, and too eccentric in its orbit. Fine. Fair enough. But what about Planet Moon? The poor thing never got a shot at planet-hood. This is because the moon is infertile and chained to the earth by a force called gravity. Planet Moon is like a Muslim woman who can't have babies... considered useless by those that should love her anyways. I love her. That rocky, grey, hot and cold giver of strange dreams and Inuit pregnancies. Planet MOON: The Place for WIZARDRY! Full of frozen water vapor and nickel!

Fuck all the other moons of other planets. Let them stay moons. But Planet Moon, the moon of Earth, should be given a Congressional Dispensation and be nominated to replace Pluto as the 11th planet (you heard me, I'm adding the Sun and the asteroid belt as well). I insist, no I beg that Obama come to his chicken headed senses and increase funding to Planet Moon Advocacy and give NASA a cool red button to shoot lasers off of it.

Of all the things we need to worry about in the dark times, isn't a little light from our friend Planet Moon exactly what we need to keep us from stubbing our toes in the midnight campground of our weary recession? Join me. Join me my friends and let the bloodbath begin!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Totally Useless Expressions I Highly Suggest You Start Using

  • Now that really smashes my uranium.
  • I'd like to manhandle that pile of naughty bits.
  • By the love handles of Heidi Klum!
  • Put that in your meth lab and cook it.
  • You, sir, are a lady late and a hooker short.
  • I believe in two things: gravity and salted peanuts.
  • Whatever stinks your skank.
  • Don't piss in my shit and tell me I have diarrhea.
  • How dare you finesse my fucktank.
  • Waiter, there's a dead panda in my turkey club.

Friday, April 9, 2010

More Peoms

Another Peom By Jar Jar Binks

Meesa Friend

So, meesa make-a big mistake.
Meesa bein clumsy
And a break
Massa Ani super speeder, Oooo.

Now meesa lonley.
What to do?

Meesa meet meesa special friend.
Weesa keepa secret pact.
Heesa love Jar Jar Binks always.

Itsa Jeesa Christ!
Yoosa bein saved? Huh?
Jeesa love yousa special face!
Jeesa meesa savee son o God!
Heesa all fucked up ona cross!

Poor Jeesa in a dirt diaper
Hanging and a dyin
With dose storm troopas pokey poke him.
He all a bleedin and crazy!

Yousa come down Jeesa and teacha dem a lesson.
What da fuck?
Yousa bein whiney cry baby.
Why no yoosa pulla brighty light sabey?

Jeesa Christ nosa Jedi.
Heesa justa fuckin dead guy.

I go get drunky.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Useless Movies Nobody Wants To See

  • Return to Poland Springs
  • The Ten Commandments II: Ramses Revenge
  • Derek Jeter Goes To Delaware
  • Val Kilmer vs. Helen Hunt
  • Meanwhile in Mexifornia
  • She's Got France In Her Pants
  • That's Definitely NOT Robert De Niro
  • Adventures in Aspergers
  • Michael Jackson: Dead and Loving It
  • Elevator to Mother's Brunch
  • TRON: Inside the HP12C
  • Merry Go Chiklis
  • Not Another Tom Cruise Movie
  • Danny Noonan Goes To College
  • Nightmare on Hale Street
  • Old Man Ford & The First Tin Lizzie
  • What's Left of Meg Ryan
  • Apollo 14

Today in Totally Useless News

(CNN) - Linda Douglass, a top spokeswoman on health care for the Obama administration, said Thursday she is leaving her post.

"It has been a tremendous honor to serve the President, and leaving this great team is bittersweet," she said in a statement. "After nearly 2 years of work that has been exhilarating and grueling in equal measure, I am going to step off the treadmill for awhile and rediscover the experience of dining with my husband on a regular basis. It has been a privilege to be part of the health care team, and I will be cheering with pride from the sidelines as this historic law takes effect."

What else is Ms. Douglass going to do now?

  • Go to Disneyworld - because meth is wicked cheap in Whorelando
  • Have some chicken, some sex
  • Take 5,000 years to figure out what in the holy fucktits the federal government should really do about health care.
  • Go to Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Take some blue mescaline. Chit chat with God.
  • Finally visit that new Starbucks in Old Alexandria!
  • Join The Order Of The Eastern Star and then give Dan Brown a real run for his money.
  • Test drive a Toyota, smash it into a building, get a settlement by claiming it was speeding out of control and she could not stop it.
  • Watch Caddyshack over and over and over.
  • Hang out with these crazy fuckers.

Totally Useless Nicknames for your wife / husband / lover / whatever

  • Little Sweaty Stinkdog
  • Fat Irish Fishwife
  • Darling Pigfeet
  • Master Pummel Fucker
  • Scatman Crothers
  • Cunty Faced Lummox
  • Ed Gein
  • Lovey Dovey Salty Balls
  • Dr. Von Pegface
  • Lady Fetchmeabeer
  • Fagboy Burger Queen
  • Cranky McShankers
  • Fudgebagabot
  • Sweet Baby Bitch Face
  • Duke of Smallcocks
  • Primitive Screwhead
  • Master HIV
  • Jesus Christ

Today's Useless Animation

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Totally Useless Tee Shirts

  • You should NOT hire me.
  • Beef - it's what's for President.
  • No Taxation without Desperation!
  • You, sir, are ON BALLS.
  • Nuclear Arms Keep Me Warm
  • What's the problem? You don't like Herpes?
  • United Federation of Fucking Assholes
  • But, Jesus said it would be OK.
  • You Will Believe Anything I Say
  • Steely Eyed Missile Man
  • I'd fuck me.
  • Boll weevils for Breakfast!
  • George Lucas fucked your Mother too.
  • This Tee Shirt Wiped Your Ass

Things Women Should Never Talk About

Men like women because they're pretty. Unfortunately, many women outside of China and The Middle East (jihad) talk. And they have magazines that tell them what to talk about and that men are jerks if they don't sit and listen to this crap. Look, men are smart enough to know that you don't talk sports, dumps, carpentry or car repair with a woman, so women should know what topics they should never talk about with men. It would certainly make life easier for everyone. here's a list of things men don't want to hear about, ever, if they want to keep men interested:

- Periods
- Other people's relationships
- Irregularity
- Feminine hygene
- Ex boyfriends
- Oprah
- Cleaning
- Vegetarianism
- The French
- Women problems
- Girly arguments
- Topsfield
- Energy bars
- Holographs
- Gay books
- Congresswomen
- Equal rights
- 1942
- Self serve versus full serve
- Wallpaper
- Lace
- Lace curtains
- Shoelaces
- Cagney and Lacey
- Lace and Mace to the Face
- Carbon
- Monster
- Hopes and fears
- Their dumb children
- Cobra Commander
- Genital warts

That pretty much covers it. Not every guy needs a supermodel, but no guy wants Mitzy Burger and Virginia Woolfe's demon spawn chasing their stiffy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Useless Assholes that are fun to Love / Hate

Super Radical John Stossel

Typical Drunken Sports Guy

Jimmy "Rapist Face" Jackson

Dr. Elsworthy Von Gaybeard, III

Those guys. You know... those guys.

The Wrongman's Fix It Guide: Section 8, Chapter 70, Paragraph 210

Need to transplant a tree? Start by preparing the hole for where the tree will go once it has been successfully transplanted. Regardless of how big or small the tree is, dig the hole at least 6 feet deep, 6 feet wide and 6 feet long. Now, bury my bitch of a mother in the hole and toss the tree on top of her. JOB WELL DONE.

Today's Useless Blast From the Past

Today's Special TUB Sale Item

Monday, April 5, 2010

Corporate Advice straight out of The TUB

  • If you're giving a presentation to critical customers, senior managers and or your fellow employees always follow these guidelines: "swear, strip, strangle or stress."
  • Try hard not to fuck the bosses daughter especially when he's sitting just a few rows in front of you at the ball game.
  • Do not, and I can't say this enough, do not post pictures online of you and your cubical mates blowing lines in the bathroom off of each others bare asses. It's not that it's an ethical or moral issue, it's that you have a fat ass.
  • The louder you talk on the phone, the more people will believe anything you say.
  • Looking for help in the HR department? That's about as useful as looking for blow jobs in the mail room. Wait... never mind.
  • Always bring pizza to the techies. Those greasy fuckholes love their pipin' hot cheeseburger pies.
  • It's perfectly fine to decorate your office walls or cubicles as if you're still 19 years old and living in some sissy pants pot smoke rideen dorm room. Well, maybe it's not perfectly fine but it's OK. Well, it's OK at best. Basically, it's not cool. So, yeah, don't do that.
  • Everyone thinks it's funny when you mix up all the mail in the corporate mailboxes. Especially when you piss on it first!
  • If you live by The Law of the Sweater Vest ("always keep your arms cool but your nipples toasty") you will be able to deal with anyone, anytime, anywhere in anyway.
  • When reviewing complex spreadsheets remember to eat between a half and a full ounce of mushrooms. Not only will your work suddenly become easier but you'll be seeing golden numbers as if you were an electricity trader at Enron. And then you'll be seeing magic goats and glowing sea bears. Mmmm... sea bears. Those fuckers know how to attack a miserable squid.
  • Always show up early to meetings and then work as hard as you can to just get the fuck out of there. Why? Look, guys, I don't want to go into this right now. I need to go. I have another meeting in like 3 fucking minutes.

Tiger Woods Jokes

Everybody loves to make fun of Tiger Woods. So, the TUB has compiled the best Tiger Woods jokes from around the world. Take a read, Rasheed:

Why did Tiger Woods cross the street? Because he was going to rob a bank!

How do you get Tiger Woods out of a tree? Offer him money.

Did you know Tiger Woods will be playing the Masters this week? Yeah. Aparently he took a plane and brought a carry on bag.

How many golfers does it take to change a light bulb? TIGER WOODS! HA HA!

A priest, a rabbi and Tiger Woods walk into a bar. The bar tender says "What'll you have?" The priest says, "Scotch". The rabbi says, "Red wine". Tiger Woods says, "I'll have a giant fucking beer."

Why can't you put Tiger Woods in a washing machine? Because he's not clothing.

Why won't they let Tiger Woods play golf in Lybia? Because it's a poor ass desert country with no golf courses and a lunatic for a leader.

Did you hear Tiger Woods played golf on the moon today? Ha! Just kidding. No one does that.
How do you make a Tiger Woods sandwich? You call Subway and order it.

One time, Tiger Woods wondered if he had more money than God. So, he asked a private detective to find out.

Did you hear about the new Tiger Woods ride at Six Flags? It's not that great.

If you enjoyed these jokes, please ask the editors to allow more Tiger Woods humor on this page.

Thanks. Doofus.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today's Useless Video

No. No... I'm okay. I'm fine!

Today's Useless Animation

Cardinal tells pope: Faithful not influenced by 'gossip', 'truth' or 'overwhleming evidence.'

In a rare move, a senior cardinal spoke before the pope's Easter Mass address at the Vatican on Sunday, saying the pontiff maintains the support of Catholics around the world "who do not let themselves be influenced by the gossip."

"Today, with you are the cardinals from the Roman Curia, all the bishops and priests around the world," said Cardinal Angelo Sodano, former Vatican secretary of state and the dean of the College of Cardinals.

Speaking at the beginning of the Easter Sunday ceremony, Sodano did not specifically mention the sexual abuse scandal that has engulfed the Catholic Church in recent months.

What else have they told the Pope lately?

  • Moses really did look like Charlton Heston.
  • Don't worry about what the Nazi's did. That was, like, so long ago.
  • Jesus was a compulsive gambler which is why most of his life was omitted from the Bible.
  • Conveniently enough, the 11th Commandment was "When in doubt, deny it out."
  • This whole child molestation problem would go away if he'd just change his name to Pope Awesomeness I.
  • Senior Vatican officials have done a great job keeping it secret that the Pope's father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery and his mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet.
  • The College of Cardinals have put out a hit on Dan Brown not because of his Vatican-bashing books but because of his fucking annoying holier than thou attitude.
  • Freemasonry might not be the work of the devil but it's still fun to pretend it is.
  • Churches that are facing declining parishes have been told to merge Sunday School with their local Chuck-E-Cheese and rename it "Jesus-E-Justified."
  • At this point, Walmart is basically paying all the bills.
  • Barack Obama IS the second coming so, you know, this is as good as it's going to get.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do You Know What Today Is?


Totally Useless Things I have learned from my crazy neighbors

  • Train your dog to bite only the people you are racist against.
  • Safety should never stand in the way of getting the job done.
  • Being a vegetarian is cool but eating tofu is not.
  • 1940's era prostitutes in Paris are a hell of a lot of fun.
  • If your tee shirt isn't retro-hip, why bother wearing it?
  • Always remember to get drunker in the bunker.
  • When someone gives you something that's obviously been stolen don't ask if it was stolen.
  • If at first you don't succeed, get a 30 pack of Coors Light and try, try again. The Silver Bullet makes everything right.
  • If your commanding officer in Vietnam is too scared to move the military convoy... fuck 'em... do it anyway!
  • Bad weather should never come between you and good bonfire.
  • If you have pictures of enemies you killed in combat, you should totally share them at dinner time.
  • When talking about your wife, it's OK to say things like "I didn't know if I should reel in or pull out."
  • You can never, ever use too much garlic.
  • When in doubt, get a tattoo of your fishing boat's name.
  • Basements are for suckers.
  • You're not littering, you're creating jobs.
  • It's OK to drive drunk, but it's not OK to... wait... what were we talking about?

Today's Useless Garage Band

Fat Tony & The Fuck Dogs

Totally Useless Flood Stage Games

The northeast region of the United States has been facing some of the worst flooding in living memory. Massachusetts and Rhode Island were hit particularly hard. Residents have been dealing with flooded basements, destroyed property, ruined businesses, washed out roads and much more.

The TUB was no exception.

When the flooding hit our office in Central Mass, we came up with the following games to pass the time until help arrived:
  • Fishing for Laundry
  • Backyard Drunken Kayaking
  • Sink the Biswife
  • Wet Socks Contest
  • Swimming with the Squirrels
  • Sink Hole of Awesomeness
  • Predict the Leaky Crack
  • Sump Pump Drinking Games
  • Gutter Buggery
  • I bet you can't drive through it
  • Beach Towel Dams
  • Flashlight Sunshine
  • Water Logged Dog Racing
  • If it floats, you can fuck on it
  • Diving for Easter Eggs
  • Imaginary Titanic - Escape from 3rd Class

Totally Useless Public Service Announcement