"It's comfortable," he says. "It's not heavy. It's pretty flexible. I'm just not as comfortable in metal."
His father, Doler Axehandle, is not so sure. "Fuck, oh gods! Great beard of Thorin! I mean, FUCK!" he said, when asked about his son's choice of protection. "It's, oh, it's... I can't speak. I think I'm having a heart attack." Glomi's friends don't understand either. Froba Sheildhhewer, First Captain of the Tomb Guard, has know Glomi since they were children.
"Glomi?" Shieldhewer said, "Fag."
Glomi is patient when other Dwarves tease him. "You don't need to wear Mithril to be a real Dwarf. They laughed when Rimzor the Mad took up sorcery, and look at him now. He's head of the Mage's Guild. If a Dwarf can be an Archmagi, then I can wear leather. People will accept me in time." But what is the real reason for his choice? Dragon magazine did an investigative report on Dwarves wearing light armour and found that it's largely due to class restriction on thieves and rogues. Glomi disagrees.
"I'm a fighter," he contends, "I really am. So what that I hang back and fire arrows, and yeah I pick a few lock here and there, but I'm not a rogue." Doler Axehandle worried about his son. He's seen him avoid traps and walk on a tightrope with ease.
"Gah! What? I I I... hurrrrrr. Mmm. Oh fuck. No no no." he said.
Glomi sips at his Merlot and adjusts his feather cap with a twinkle in his eye. The twinkle is a hope. Hope that one day, the world will understand, maybe even accept him.
No beer for him. Ever.
Pah, dwarves are only good for one thing . . . tanks.
Next thing you know he'll be inventing battle bread.
(Pratchett, ahoy!)
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