Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiger Woods Jokes

Everybody loves to make fun of Tiger Woods. So, the TUB has compiled the best Tiger Woods jokes from around the world. Take a read, Rasheed:

Why did Tiger Woods cross the street? Because he was going to rob a bank!

How do you get Tiger Woods out of a tree? Offer him money.

Did you know Tiger Woods will be playing the Masters this week? Yeah. Aparently he took a plane and brought a carry on bag.

How many golfers does it take to change a light bulb? TIGER WOODS! HA HA!

A priest, a rabbi and Tiger Woods walk into a bar. The bar tender says "What'll you have?" The priest says, "Scotch". The rabbi says, "Red wine". Tiger Woods says, "I'll have a giant fucking beer."

Why can't you put Tiger Woods in a washing machine? Because he's not clothing.

Why won't they let Tiger Woods play golf in Lybia? Because it's a poor ass desert country with no golf courses and a lunatic for a leader.

Did you hear Tiger Woods played golf on the moon today? Ha! Just kidding. No one does that.
How do you make a Tiger Woods sandwich? You call Subway and order it.

One time, Tiger Woods wondered if he had more money than God. So, he asked a private detective to find out.

Did you hear about the new Tiger Woods ride at Six Flags? It's not that great.

If you enjoyed these jokes, please ask the editors to allow more Tiger Woods humor on this page.

Thanks. Doofus.