Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
10 More Totally Useless Superheroes
- Giganticockus
- W.A.R.T.
- Animal House
- The Crimson Sea Dancer
- Slippy Tits
- Baron Von Flourmaker
- Spacebar
- The Six Hundred Dollar Man
- Paychexxx
- Carmine The Extortionist
BONUS: The Spicy Anus
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Useless Lobbying
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Totally Useless Movie
Monday, August 9, 2010
10 Things You Need But Never Have At The Office
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Useless Brett Favre

I, uh, had a little talk with our friend Brett Favre. It was distubring. Take a look:
BF: Hiya doin, Doc.
Doc: Hi Brett Favre. How are you?
BF: Freakin tired. I been sloppin out pig sty an a ridin my trakter.. you know, burp.
Doc: Got ya. Says here you're retired as of today. That right, Law Dog?
BF: Yup. Plumb retired. I'm tired. You're tired. He's tired. Re-tired. Savvy?
Doc: Got it. This has nothing to do with LeBron James right?
BF: Nope. Don't care bout fame ner money. Just love playin foopball. Now I'm gonna stop playin foopball.
Doc: Well, what if I told you that the Minnesota Vikings are willing to pay you an additional $3 million and give you a 30 minute press conference, a DATELINE exclusive, and a special on ESPN called 'The Return'?
BF: Do I get a dance party?
Doc: Yup.
BF: Git er dun son. I'm playin foopball 'gain.
And so, as you might well know, Bretty decided to come by my place for a few drinks and some sex. At first, he said he'd retired from all that, but I waved a 20 dollar bill at him and a camera and it was up Old Mustard Road we went.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Useless Expert Explanation
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Another Free Article
More Useless Pick Up Lines
- I couldn't help but notice you in the bathroom.
- You look like you have cancer and I look like I could comfort you.
- Which hole is open tonight?
- Me. Yeah. ME.
They say desperation is world's worst cologne. I disagree. I say its my urine. I'm wearing both. Which one do you think is worse?
- Welcome to ComicCon 2010!
- Can I borrow your iPhone? I really want to impress someone else.
- Jesus died for our sins. Let's make him do it again.
- Dinner. My place. Friday night. We'll use my Star Trek china set.
- Girl, I want to convert your DOC to a PDF right now.
- So, how do you feel about peep holes?
Things You Don't Need To Know
The Eleven Million Dollar Man
In short, Ed Blevin feels cursed.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
More totally useless bumper stickers
- I hide the Queen's drinks.
Nanotechnologists do it sub-atomically!
- Fuck you Geico.
- George Jetson is my homeboy.
- You're all virgins to me.
- I have more wax in my ears than you have staying power in that piddly little shit-hook you call a cock.
- +NRG for President
- I google myself for porn.
- All the cool kids have touch screens.
- The dog over cooked my meth.
Today's Useless Repost
You just had to go and do it, didn't you.
Conjuring up a kick ass company with amazing, industry leading products wasn't enough, was it?
You had to go and do it. You just couldn't settle for everything. You couldn't just have anything. You couldn't just be like a King who is satisfied with his kingdom and rests on his laurels to the benefit of the people.
Nope. Not you. Not the almost-late great Steve Jobs.
I mean, you literally destroyed it. It will never be the same.
Steve Jobs: you killed the letter i.
If I was a lower case i at this very moment, I would be sitting in my unfinished basement, hiding from my psycho wife and kids, drinking cheap Russian vodka from my secret stash while spinning the cylinder of a barely loaded revolver and snapping it back into place in a desperate hope that a round will finally enter the chamber and I can blow my fucking brains out.
Yes, that's right. You ruined it for all of us.

Holy fucking fucktits, Steve, what the fuck?
And don't start pretending like it was your super cool product marketing teams and you had nothing to do with it. I know you pulled that iPod name out of your ass just after you took a massive LSD induced shit in the dunes off of some magical Californian beach.
Jesus fuck, I hate you!
So, what's next, fuckface? Are you going to piss on g? Rape d? Fuck r's mother? Kick y in the balls? Hang out with the XXX sisters and shove dollar bills down a's thong until she agrees to blow you in the back alley while her boyfriend t is forced to watch?
I wonder what it's like to be you. I mean, did you wake up one day and while you were putting on your overdone custom fit jeans and a trendy black mock turtleneck product launching outfit, did you just decide that you had so much influence and power that it was time to thoroughly pulverize a helpful, innocent letter that had been in existence for thousands of years?
Whatever. I'm just jealous.
By the way, are you hiring?
The Wrongman's Fix It Guide: Section 3, Chapter 98, Paragraph 87

More totally useless Superheroes
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Totally Useless Message From Cool Guy
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Useless Alcoholism Test
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
OMG LOL WTF = Useless Brainwashing Canasta Game

I'll tell you the rules.
1. Get Canasta software off of the back of a truck down at the docks.
2. Remove skin from fingertips to prevent prints from showing up.
3. Locate hefty bag and 5 big rocks.
4. Find a loafer and ask him if he's got a cigarette.
5. Scream 'CANASTA MUTHAFUKKA!' and swing loaded heafty bag at his knees.
6. Show him the software box.
7. Beg him to admit defeat.
8. If he doesn't admit defeat, swing loaded heafty bag at his hip.
9. If he does admit defeat, scream 'NO ONE QUITS CANASTA MUTHAFUKKA!!! NASTA 4 LIFE!' Swing heafty bag at his head until he's on the ground.
10. Mount him.
11. Whipser 'yeah yeah, i beat yo ass at canasta yeah yeah'
12. Hail taxi. Go home.
13. Stiff taxi driver.
How cool are you now?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Walrus Raped By Boy (Patially), Bucket Stolen
The bucket used by Henny Wrongman and lent to his pal A. Walrus, has been stolen. Police suspect a little boy took it. It's totally true. The boy is also wanted for raping A. Walrus (partially) and interstate rocket trafficing.
The boy is unarmed and very friendly. Please contact McDonalds for your $1.00 off coupon if you find him.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Wrongman's Fix It Guide: Section 223, Chapter 12, Paragraph 6
Tom Hanks Creates Online Universe Featuring Tom Hanks

TH: Well... they walk around and talk to each other.
JJY: So, what can players do?
JJY: They pretend they're you and congratulate each other?
JJY: Some of them do, yes.
JJY: Any plans for an expansion to the game?
TH: Movies?!?!
TH: Listen you charlatan. If you doubt the fact of my life story, you'd better be ready to face the consequences. I know people. Jews and Oily Arabs with political connections, and this guy with an Uzi 9mm. I can lock you in a room and throw away the room, get it? You are there to smile and blow me. So shut up and... hey! Get back here! I'll rape your family! You sonofabith!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Today's Useless Job Posting

JOB: Entertaining Professor Handsome Von Awesome
TIME: 15-20 hours
CATEGORY: Charity Work
DATE: 7/13/2005
This man has it all and he wants to show it all to you. The Cars. THE house. A beach. A secret lookout. A HeliJetRotorBoat. All we ask is that you come over and let him talk while you all enjoy his liquor. Some experience required. Must be entertaining with some limited bullshit-stories. Working knowledge of baseball cards, trophies, scuba diving and being especially frugal a must. Please watch Jaws (1975) in advance of any telephone or live interviews.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Even More Useless and Random Things You Probably Should Know
- Yes, it's true. Sarah Jessica Parker is fucking hideous.
- Always... no, no... never forget to check your references.
- Do not upset Chef Boyardee. He will follow you home and have his tasty revenge.
- Lumbergh fucked her.
Always... no, no... never forget to agree with your wife.
- A vagina is required to enjoy the Twilight Saga. That's vagina not vampire. Although, one could argue that they are one and the same.
- It's OK to name your Roomba and to drink with it on Saturday mornings.
- The best porn is always made at home.
- Reenacting the Trojan War does not necessarily require a giant wooden horse.
- If your last name is Paradise, you should probably be better looking than you already are.
- Never trust a man that invents corporate mascots for a living. He's probably a closeted homo.
Today in Totally Useless News
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Google said Friday that it has renewed its license with the Chinese government to continue operating in that country, ending a standoff over censorship.
Google did not make any concessions regarding censorship, Tokyo-based Google spokeswoman Jessica Powell said.
"I don't think we gave anything up," she said. "We asked the government to renew our license to make some products that don't require any censorship. We are going to continue to offer uncensored Web search with google.com.hk."
What other standoffs is China playing a role in?
- China vs. Mel Gibson
- Child Labor is Awesome vs. Child Labor is Wrong
- The Truth about eating Cats & Dogs vs. The South Beach Diet
- Hair Pie vs. Oh sank you, Booger
- Commie Pinkos vs. Git r Dun Assbags
- Food for the people vs. Nuclear Bombs, baby!
- USA is OK vs. but Dick Cheney is still alive
- Buddha vs. Jesus - SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY