Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Useless Brett Favre

I, uh, had a little talk with our friend Brett Favre. It was distubring. Take a look:

BF: Hiya doin, Doc.

Doc: Hi Brett Favre. How are you?

BF: Freakin tired. I been sloppin out pig sty an a ridin my trakter.. you know, burp.

Doc: Got ya. Says here you're retired as of today. That right, Law Dog?

BF: Yup. Plumb retired. I'm tired. You're tired. He's tired. Re-tired. Savvy?

Doc: Got it. This has nothing to do with LeBron James right?

BF: Nope. Don't care bout fame ner money. Just love playin foopball. Now I'm gonna stop playin foopball.

Doc: Well, what if I told you that the Minnesota Vikings are willing to pay you an additional $3 million and give you a 30 minute press conference, a DATELINE exclusive, and a special on ESPN called 'The Return'?

BF: Do I get a dance party?

Doc: Yup.

BF: Git er dun son. I'm playin foopball 'gain.

And so, as you might well know, Bretty decided to come by my place for a few drinks and some sex. At first, he said he'd retired from all that, but I waved a 20 dollar bill at him and a camera and it was up Old Mustard Road we went.


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