Friday, July 9, 2010

Even More Useless and Random Things You Probably Should Know

  • Yes, it's true. Sarah Jessica Parker is fucking hideous.
  • Always... no, no... never forget to check your references.
  • Do not upset Chef Boyardee. He will follow you home and have his tasty revenge.
  • Lumbergh fucked her.
  • Always... no, no... never forget to agree with your wife.
  • A vagina is required to enjoy the Twilight Saga. That's vagina not vampire. Although, one could argue that they are one and the same.
  • It's OK to name your Roomba and to drink with it on Saturday mornings.
  • The best porn is always made at home.
  • Reenacting the Trojan War does not necessarily require a giant wooden horse.
  • If your last name is Paradise, you should probably be better looking than you already are.
  • Never trust a man that invents corporate mascots for a living. He's probably a closeted homo.

1 comment:

Chris Dee said...

I am better looking than I already am and I am not a Paradise, nor one of the Paradise Hookers.