Monday, July 26, 2010

Things You Don't Need To Know

- On Mondays, I like to 'run the gauntlet' twice before I shower.
- Peter Pan gets me hot.
- I used to be Catholic, now I'm a douchebag.
- I once interviewed Peter Fonda.
- I have to take a shit, but I'm farting to stall it.
- I cancelled DirecTV for cable and totally regret it.
- I've never dropped acid in a jail cell.
- My favorite Pope was Pope Country Time Lemonade.
- I don't respect women after sex.
- I prefer pie to cake, because cake is dry and pie is not.
- McDonald's makes ads just for black people.
- I owe CVS $30, but I ain't paying.
- I use soap suppositories to feel fresh.
- I let the tissues dry before flushing them.
- I don't like slasher flicks, but I do like flasher chicks.
- Mt. Everest.
- The Soviet National Anthem.
- I always run out of eggs and milk. Just like a woman in menopause.

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