Monday, July 26, 2010

The Eleven Million Dollar Man

Considering there are lotteries every day of the week in every state, and close to 300 million people in America, chances are high that someone wins a lottery every day. What if, on Sept 11 2001, you won the lottery and it was for $11 mil dollars? In theory, the best day of your life happens on the worst day in American History.

This is what happened to Theodore Blevin, 81, of Shanksville Pennsylvania. You read that right. The same town where the plane crashed. He won the Mega Millions on that fateful day, and every day since, he asked asked the question, what does it mean? Theodore "Ed" Blevin has seen his share of national tragedy. He was is Pearl Habor when it was bombed by the Japanese. He lived blocks from Three Mile Island when the reactors failed.

In short, Ed Blevin feels cursed.

Now, at age 81, Ed Blevin has lost everything. He lives in the Raised Hands Shelter in Pittsburg. Mr. Blevin is philosophical about his life, the money, and the tragic events that have followed him throught life. "It's the immigants," he says, "They takin our jobs!" One day, we will feed Mr. Blevin poison.

1 comment:

penn state said...

Jo Pa?