Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Contributer: The Angry Woman

Submitted by email:
"This is an article for your blog to set all the men straight on a few things about women. You men seem to think you're so clever and that your shit doesn't stink. Well, it does. You guys are typically lazy, loud and obnoxious. Men. Unbelievable. You have it easy. We have periods and childbirth and discrimination and sexual harassment. What do you have to deal with? Oh. Your sports club lost. You're horny. You want to take a nap. Oh, poor baby.
I am the only one around here doing anything! No one helps me and I feel like I'm all alone! You do nothing NOTHING to help me. You don't listen to my concerns and feelings. You don't respect my opinions. You don't let me do whatever the hell I want and get away with it. You're suh an asshole. And don't hang the whole "I work hard and I always try to make you feel better when you come home" bullshit because that's your fucking JOB to wait on me, cater to me and stop everything to deal with any little gaddamn crisis that comes up.
Oh, you broke your finger trying to fix the lawnmower? Fuck you. I did the dishes. Deal with it. I don't care if yu have to mow the fucking lawn with your stinky breath useless mouth! You do as I say or I will scream at you. Oh, you made dinner tonight? Wow. Thanks Cassonova. Now I get to eat your shitty cooking AND clean up afterwards? Fucking awesome. Oh, you fixed the bed? Good. Now I'll have somewhere to cry myself to sleep because you ruined my life.
This is your fault. When I was a little girl I used to dream of being married and how happy I'd be and how my HUSBAND would TAKE CARE of me and make me feel like the most important person in the world. Well, whoopty fuckin do, my wildest dreams turned into YOU. Christ, the DOG is a better husband that you. Thanks to your saint of a fucking mother who spoiled you and your lazy assed father who taught you women are a cleaning service, now I'm married to a limp dicked invalid who cares more about the flat screen TV than about his poor wife who gave up EVERYTHING to marry him.
You are a horrible human being and you suck at everything except ruining people's lives and dreams. Fuck you and I hope you die."
Okay. Well, I don't know who she was, but that woman sounds HOT! Basement orgy anyone? Nom nom nom nom!!! Thanks cutie. Send us more.