Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun Islamic Names

Name the next terrorist!

It's easy.
Just throw some bullshit together!
Like these new names:

- Nissan Otto
- Fizzle Shazzam
- Waquon Wimman
- Nassal Allah-Jeez-a-Bad
- Mamoudmart Quoopan
- Allack Al Ahchoo
- Bippity Tong Twin Tong Fuck Muhhamed
- Jesus El Wiini
- Habib Hop a Hippity Hop
- acshdsjfheucnegngnh
- Masta An Sarvant
- Me Killem White Man
- Ho Chi Mihn
- Iyam Abad Pilot

Fun. Fun with Islam names. Fun racial profiling fun at the expense of people.

Enjoy it before the kill us all with Playschool Clock Bombs.


Captain Flak Paperpants said...


Chris Dee said...

Indeed sir.

Malach the Merciless said...

I would hide now, Salman Rushdie found a good place to hide