Monday, May 3, 2010

Jokes About Women

In the interest of being fair and politically correct, here are a bunch of jokes about bitches.
- What's the difference between a woman and a toaster? The toaster actually makes toast for you.
- Why do women wear bras? Because fancy shoes don't fit on tits.
- If a woman falls in the woods, and no one hears her, does she make a sound? Yes. Always.
- How can you tell what a woman is thinking? If you loved her, you'd know by now.
- Why do women have gay friends? Because straight guys tell them to shut up.
- How many women can you fit in a clown car? You still didn't take out the trash!
- Why do women love shopping? Because they're shallow, materialistic whores.
- How can you ruin a woman's reputation? Send her friends out for drinks without her.
- Did you hear about the woman superhero? She's a bitch, too.
- Why do women worry about their weight? Because nobody likes a fat whore.
- A priest, a rabbi and a woman walk into a bar. They have to leave five minutes later because the woman keeps complaining.
- What type of crackers do women like? The kind that have credit cards.
- Why are women so weak? If they were strong, they'd kill everyone.
- Why did God make women? Oh no. No one made women. They pulled that rib out and created themselves you chauvinist!
- What's better than a blowjob? A woman with no voice.
- How do women get stains out? SHOUT!
The end.


Captain Flak Paperpants said...


Malach the Merciless said...

I am going to use these on Facebook, see how long it takes to get dumped as a friend