Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Cliche Post

This post will be slammed from the get go. I'm just saying. Have fun with that. Like I care. I am so over it. I mean, who does that? How's that working out for you?Yes, it's like ending statements with a question mark? So 2005. This could be the most compelling post on the internet. It's full of win. It's awesomesauce. It's got tons of apps and more 5G coverage that any other post. It does more. And, in this post I start verbing nouns. You saw what I did there!
In a perfect world, this post would improve performance, generate buzz, help you party like a rockstar, and get your groove on. Instead, it leaves you feeling tired, run down and no longer interested in the things you used to love. The changing economy, universal health care and oil spills are nothing compared to you finally acheiving the lifestyle you want to live right in your own home. The debate rages from Capital Hill, in town hall meetings, grassroots organizations and Tea party rallies. Whether you're a Diva keeping it real, a fashionista at Fashion Week in the Hamptons, or just trying to get a little Same Sex Marriage, the people have spoken and it's time for change.
The votes are in, the critics rave and 4 out of 5 experts agree, this post is da bomb. *fist bump explosion* It's on. Here we go. Let's get it started. Let's do this.
Nope. Not gonna happen. Whatever. Just nevermind. We're done. Goodbye. Forget it. /ignore


Anonymous said...


Captain Flak Paperpants said...

Yeah, me too. This post is out of line. It's offensive to everyone that has genital warts.