"The next tactic is going to be something they call a junk shot," Allen told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday. "They'll take a bunch of debris -- shredded up tires, golf balls and things like that -- and under very high pressure, shoot it into the preventer itself and see if they can clog it up and stop the leak. Because, you know, that's sounds like a good idea. Right? Right?"
What other tactics is BP is considering to plug the oil leak?
- Ignoring it. Ignoring it. IG-NOR-ING IT.
- Asking the government to call up Donald Rumsfeld and tell him WED's (weapons of environmental destruction) have reportedly been found in the Gulf of Mexico.
- Activating the TOM HANKS Signal!
- Letting a bunch of hippies protest outside the US Capitol building. That's usually productive AND helpful.
- After Optimus Prime defeats Megatron AGAIN they are going to drop his giant metal carcass on the broken well head and hope that plugs it up.
- Two words: SUPER GLUE.
- Another two words: GAY PARADE. (wait, what?)
- Having Virgil "Bud" Brigman ask his "new friends" to help out.
- My crazy Vietnam Vet neighbor "Stinger" said that if they had just let him, his boat, a case of Coors Light and 10,000 bags of hydraulic cement handle it, this whole thing would have been over before it ever started.
- Ask yourself: is there anything that tequila shots and a loaded 44 magnum CAN'T solve?
- Prayer. That shit works!
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