Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Peome by Jar Jar Binks


Yousa see what a goin on round here?
Lotsa folks dey not look like Gungans fo sure!
Wheresa deesa people come from?
Deysa stoopid Naboo!

Meesa no like da Naboo,
Deysa lazy lazy
And take meesa job!
Howsa lazy Naboo no wanna work
But take meesa job?

Deysa work for da penis washin and weedy stink weed.
Deysa no needa money, deysa just get a drink on instead.
Deysa worsa den dem fucking Mexicans.
Even deysa hookers got no teeth!
Dey worthless!

I see a Naboo I cross da street!
Deysa kooky music driva meesa nuts.
Like dem coke heads from Brazil!
Meesa shoot deysa kids in dey butts!

But deysa make a dammy tastie taste o food, yeesa!
Let dem work in da kitchen and sleep on da roof.
Keep dem in a tiny room wit dey on poop.
If dey fuck up, hang dem onna noose!

I hope deysa get a crotch disease
An spread it to their whole family
Those disgusting incestous pigs!

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

You try being a immigrant and going through what they have to go through just to get to Naboo, you dumb Gungan swamp ass.