Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To Watch a Disney Movie

Many of you would like to watch a Disney movie with your friends, but for various fucked up reasons, you can't. Here's a surefire way to get everyone on board for a night of cartoon fun.
-Borrow large sedan
-Clean out trunk
-Drive to pharmacy
-Find Disney movie for 5 bucks
-Find NyQuil
-Slap clerk and threaten with death
-Leave without paying
-Go to friends's house
-Knock on door
-Force NyQuil into friend
-Put friend in trunk
-Tie friend to chair in cellar
-Repeat for additional friends
-Get into princess costume
-Put in movie
-Slap firends awake
If you're short on time, try this...
-Make fake bomb vest
-Get portable DVD player
-Got to Pharmacy
-Get DVD
-Enter Bank
-Demand movie night at bank
The quickie plan
-Fly to Florida
-Fuck Mickey

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

Yeah, I don't see this working