Monday, June 28, 2010

Things To Do In Court

If you ever have to go to court, and you decide to waive your right to an attorney, here are some great legal strategies.
- Begin all your statements with, "Ladies and Fags, if it please the fucking court..."
- Make sure all of your evidence is urine samples from various people and pets, in ziplock bags.
- Turn and look at the people in the courtroom whenever the judge is speaking. Show them the love with a thumbs up.
- Whenever the attorney for the prosecution speaks, do your Mars Attacks impersonation.
- Leave your fly open and be sure the Jury sees it. Then, say, "Oh... how'd that get open again?" and make sexy faces while you zip up.
- Great questions make great answers. Ask your witness about your boner.
- Insist that the other attorney is 'Beavering the Witness." When corrected, think and say, "Naw. Nope. He's Beavering, I'm sure of it. Fuck off."
- Ask to approach the bench. Look at the judge and say, "You've got this covered, right? I'm winning and you're getting to see more George Washingtons, right?"
- Enter Natalie Merchant's "These Are the Days" as evidence. Play it for the court and then explain, well, you just really like that song.
- Agree with the prosecutor, while he's making his points. Counter with, "Hell, even I'm buying this guy's rap."
- Use the 'Innocent or Y'all Fucking Die' defense. Repetition is the key.
- Jingle change in your pocket instead of asking the witness questions. Then point, sit down, and say you're done.
- Begin your closing argument by stating, very calmly but forcefully, "Pussy." Continue with unrelated legal stuff.
- Chest bump the prosecutor whenever he tries to sit back down.
- Say, "Judge not, lest ye be fat as the Judge yourself."
- Open your trial with the following reasoning, "Defending yourself is crazy, right? But think about it. I smell like fresh fish, I lip sync to Baby Mozart, and the Google knows about my monkey thing. Am I really gonna rape everyone unless killed first? No. Just the pretty ones, my dears. Just the pretty ones."