Thursday, January 28, 2021

Mx history


Notes 2 types of days. Side pain days. Tough to breathe days

4/29 - 

morning. 2 puffs. Some relief. 

8 am to 4 pm worked in basement. 

3:00 burning and difficulty breathing. Inhaler 3:15. Pretty good relief by 3:55

7:10 by 7:22 significant relief only lasted a few minute then got worse. Got better after deep breathing plus forced cough. 

8 pm until 12:30 am rough night breathing. 


Working upstairs today.  8 am. Standing 88 bpm 99 O2

Coffee, 20 oz water. All meds. 3 small pastries

9 am doing good. 

9:30 a little tougher slight tightness upper chest and tickle. Left cramp below ribs on side

Ate apple. More water 5 min walking around. 

10 am space heater causes some tickle increase and coughing. Low moderate. Small chest tingle/spark left pectoral. 

11 am short pain left lowest rib behind side

11:30 tickle back of nose. Itch/inflammation nasal/upper throat. Dull pain left side constant. 

11:40 Ate lunch. Pasta e cream cheese. Soft taco w beef. Broccoli. 11:45 tried very light cardio. 5 min later chest tightness. Tingle in forearms. Tingle in pectorals. Used inhaler 2 puffs

Noon 3 trips ip and down stairs w heavy boxes. No issue. Chest pain gone. Still occasional tingle left side or left forearm slight shortness of breath. 

12:30 playing w Pat. Kinetic sand. Sun porch w other heater. Spot check O2 was 93 plus 88 pulse but shot up to 99 once I stoped moving and talking. Then stayed at 98 while talking and playing pulse 92 SOB (more like I'm forgetting to breathe deeply?) slight cough when deep breath

12:45 living room. Feel easier to breathe. 

2:30. Anxious. Still some left arm tingles. Working on slow breathing with deep breaths. 

5 pm 3 hours of normal. Some side Pain some tingling. No chest tightness or SOB. No inhaler 

6 pm felt tickle start. Did inhaler. 2x


Overnight woke up midnight SOB. Out to couch. Inhaler. Fell asleep until 7 am. Woke and did short breathing exercise. 

Fine until 9 am. Chest tightness and tickle started. Inhaler x 2. Eating too much?

9:20 typical weird productive cough - feels like something coughed up but nothing actually comes up/out. Relief at 9:30

10:20 tough to breathe in sun room

11:00 am better

11:25 sharp pain below left pectoral went away quick. 

Noon fine so far

Fine until 2. Bent over caused the weird fuzz feeling in lower lungs. Going to try breathing exercises. Slight pain left bleu was ribs. 

Decent until 5 pm. Moved tractor. Short of breathe. Inhaler x 2 Mowed lawn w mask on tractor. 1 hr

6:15. Felt the tightness and lung itch. Laid down on back fir breathing exercises. Felt REALLY good. 

9:15 chest and ribs tired. Bed at 10 pm

May 2

WOW. Slept until 9. I feel good! Typical midnight to 2 am

Average to really good up until 12:15. Inhaler at 12:30 plus breathing exercises.

1:20 still a little chest tickle and start of chest tightness.  

2:00 some forced coughing and breathing  exercise and now relief. Slight tingle in left forearm. Slight tingle/dull pain in rib side area that usually hurts. 

4:00 inhaler pre-hike. Did a mile through hilly terrain. Was fine

6:00 cooking fumes caused issues breathing. Did deep breathing. Some relief by 9 pm. 

10:00 to 2 am did broadcast in basement w new computer set up. No issues until vet close to 2 am. Inhaler at 10 pm and 2 am. Slept until 4 am woke up SOB but ate a bit and back to sleep

May 3 

woke 8 am. So far just tired. French toast cooking. 

Not much today. Did my deep breathing. Inhaler at 3 pm before long hike again. Feels good. Actually yawned a few times today. I haven't yawned much at all since first episode. 

6:30. Very tired but breathing feels easier like how it used to. Bed at 10:30 pm

May 4th. 

Work day. SOB around noon. Inhaler x2.  Chest pain a bit towards the end. Inhaler 7 pm x2. 11 pm inhaler x2.  Broadcast 3 hours in basement. 

Good night sleep 2 am to 8 am. 

May 5th

Okay from 8 am until 11 am. Got much worse later in the day and was difficult to do the late night meeting 7 pm to 10 pm in basement. Got better a bit after. Slept well.  11 to 8 am. 

May 6th

Morning  was good. After 10 am got bad again. Inhaler x 1. A little better. Started again around 3:30. Inhaler x 2 at 4:30. Dizziness new symptom. Only a little chest tightness uncomfortable. Left under pectoral and near spine in back. 

5 pm full blown attack. SOB chest tightness tingling toes and hands. Dizziness. Difficult to talk. 911. Pulse 110 resting. 

BP was sky high 160 over 100 en route. 

Attack lasted 2 hours maybe 3. All tests including ddimer were clean. 

Follow up w Kenny tomorrow. I think I could have controlled it better but so that I could get checked during an attack I went. 

May 7 

rough morning. Inhaler x2 early. Felt better at noon following laying on side. 

Rough from 4 until laying down on side at 6:30.  Inhaler x 2 at 5

Forced coughing seems to loosen it up.  Then real cough clears it but nothing comes up. 

May 8. 

Had a great morning. Did a lot of furniture moving and you clean up. No issues. 

12:30 - inhaler x 2. Feeling a bit of the strain after. Berthing exercises. Triggered pain under left rib. 

Tough evening. Inhaler at 7:45 x2. A little dizzy. Had to regulate my breathing unless I was walking/moving around. Felt like I was not breathing enough. 

No chest tightness. Just felt like  I wasn't getting enough air. Small sharp pain under left pectoral near outside up. 

Relief at 8:30. 

May 9 chest soreness in bed below pectorals like rib cage. Went away when I walked around 

Had a little discomfort 10:30 to 11:30. Forced coughing and ricola helped. 

Same at 12:30 

Fine 1:00 to 2:15 so far. Ate too much. Pressure under ribs. 

5:15 pm. I've kept up a good pace today. No inhaler yet. Want to see if I can make a full day with out one with no repercussions. 

May 10th

Some slight issues before lunch on Sun porch. And again around 4:30. Maybe from computer again? Might have been food stuck in esophagus

May 11

Stomach pressure/ esophagus pressure sometimes causing issues. Later at night. Stayed up until 2 am was mostly fine no inhaler 

May 12th

Seems good today 8 am to noon

May 13 to 14 pretty good. A little may 14th at night. May have forgotten Claritin 14th and ate fried takeout. Diet Coke too. 

May 15 it's starting again. Minor SOB. Minor chest tightness and little pains w tingling. Some tickling cough and belly swelling. Usually this is what happens the day before the bad day. Going to focus on breathing a lot. Try to keep calm. 

1 pm took Pepcid to see if it eased stomach pressure on heart/lungs. Not sure yet

3 pm w cardiologist. Maybe it's stress from having this appointment and will go away. If not it has been 9 days since the last attack. That's 2 days longer. 

Was still more time w pressure than without. Bed at 2 am. Slept well. 

May 16th. Woke 7:30 am. Was not bad until eating (maybe too much?). May have to seriously cut back calories temporarily. 8 to noon was okay. Still some times w pressure, slight cough. Ate fried chicken sandwich at 11:30. Took Pepcid after. Let's see what happens. 

Was not great but not too bad. Eating definitely makes it flare up. Ricola helped going to try peppermint tea

May 17th

Did 3 hours weed wacking. Same pattern was okay but got harder past 5 pm

May 18th

Woke up w chest congestion, red eyes, a little chest tightness. Maybe from pollen and crap plus it's cloudy etc. 

May 19th had an attack at 5 pm. Managed to control it

May 20th bad GERD like symptoms after over eating 5 pm. 

21 and 22. GERD and SOB off and on. 

May 23rd. Great day so far (4:30) zero symptoms except allergy type stuff

24-27 okay days some w GERD. 27 no GERD. Felt good. 

28 - bad bad evening worst since ER. No racing heart but terrible GERD sensation, dizziness can't get full breath. O2 was excellent. BMP 80 to 90 resting. Dropped to 63 sleeping. Inhaler midnight. Helped

May 29 Rough morning. No pain but can't get full breath. Inhaler at 10 am helped a lot. Might have beef from driving car Forced coughing helped a lot. 2 on slight GERD. Ate chicken cordon bleu fir lunch just a little. 

Did okay at night. Made it through 2 am stream w little issue Inhaler x 4 today

May 30. Tough to breathe even w inhaler

9:30 am did some breathing excercises much better now

2 pm dizzy sick but water on face it went away. 

2:30 felt ok. 3 pm outside. Lower left ribs again. 

HEY LOOK FOR PATTERN: eat high fat high cholesterol food. Then nausea. Dizzy. BP and HR jump. Pain in chest. SOB lasts 3 hours. Next day trouble breathing all day. Next day lower left rib pain. A few good days. Eat junk/too much. Repeat. 

Water makes it easier. Ricola helps a lot. Tea w peppermint may help.  

4 pm. And like tgat it disappears. 

Did fine rest of the night just slight dizzy. No more inhaler. Did stream until 2 am. 

May 31. 

SOB no pain or pressure just lungs tickle. Why does green tea w peppermint work? Slight pain (ache) left pectoral closer to breast bone. 

11:30 I think I'm  fine now. 

2:40 pm woke up from nap w heartburn. Prilosec 

3:00. Bad attack. Sob. Dizzy. GERD feeling. Breathing exercises. Forced coughing. 3:45 Took ricola. Green and peppermint tea. Some relief by 4 pm

Not sure what the heck that was. Maybe heartburn w nap caused acid up then GERD plus crap in lungs. So frustrating. Such a bad end of the week. 

5 pm still happening but not as bad

6 pm feeling very light headed and shaky. Got bad again. Really bad. GERD dizzy

Was a very hard night until maybe 7 pm. GERD plus dizziness. Laying on side helped. 

Read that eating then laying down can cause all this. 

June 1

Feel okay but the cough n crap is there and I can feel the GERD wants to start again. 

June 2 -5 pretty good. Some cough. Some GERD. Got worse managing food and timing as week went on. 

June 6. Starting again. GERD. Dizzy. Slight pain left bottom rib. Little achey. 

June 7. Stopped taking the Turneric. 

 GERD went away!  Just mild cough. 

June 8 -10 mild cough. Some occasional

Dizziness. Slight heart burn at times. Started eating "normal". 

11 and 12 cough and uncomfortable chest

13 14 fine. 

15 great

16 chest and side 

Some chest/cough dizziness 

17 some chest and dizzzy

18 sob junk in lungs. Woke up 3:30 am out of breath. 

19 - 23 meh not bad

June 24-27 okay

June 28 sob rain

June 29 sob rain

June 30 half n half. Rain

July 1 - 3 sob and cough. Rain mostly

July 4. Not too bad. Able to cough up actual phlegm. 

5th - 7th. Not bad but cough and chest. 

8th getting weird. It's starting. 

9 kinda coughy day

10 not bad

11 normal morning. Got weird at night. 

12 and 13 bad breathing days w the second day being worse but better at night. 

14 nit bad


  1. Worst day since May 31sr
  2. Okay
  3. Not bad

19 decent 20 almost nothing

21 to 23 good.

23 ribs weak and weird. 

24 chest and aches early.  7 pm went away

25 - okay to start then hit hard to breathe. 

26 was great until 1 pm. Then cough and dizzy. 

27-30 not

31 bad day dizzy cough chest rain

Aug 1 great!

Aug 2 great morning. 

Aug 3 - 4 no big issues

Aug 5 lungs sore 

Aug 6 not bad

Aug 7th slight cough and pressure

8th great day

9th outside Little Compton noon sob cough lung tightness. 

10-11 perfect nm min

12 rain clouds but okay so far

13-14 good days

15 good morning. Nap at 2. Woke up at 4 dizzy tough breathing. Low pressure/storm coming. Temp drop

16-22 6 days of normal!

22 - 25 all good a little cough on 25th

26-28 very good. 

29 medium SOB trying to nap. Dizziness later w pain lower left rib (rare now) and headache w cough. Not SUPER bad but worst day in a while. 

  1. Sob headache. Evening aches. Stomach. 
  2. Bad day

Sep 1 2 still tough but not bad. 

3-5 decent. Lung freeze/dizzy at times. 

9 lungs

10 pain lower ribs

11-12 discomfort in ribs sob

13-15 weird off and on w chest pressure/discomfort. 

16 feet swelling at night - Had McDonalds. Seems to happen when I do. 

Diet I. Sept was horrible plus I stopped taking Claritin. 

17 less swelling feet off upon waking like unsettled around noon had heart rate increase. Got worse up until 4:30 pm. Then seem to calm down mostly by 6:00 pm. 

Resumed taking Claritin 

  1. Hard morning. Better after noon. Tge. Rough between 3 and 5. Felt good around 8. Did show until 2 am. Trouble sleeping. Felt like I stopped breathing. 

19 body felt horrible all day like a massive hangover mixed w severe dehydrated feel pain in kidneys and side. Felt a little better that night after 1 hr nap. Bad night of sleep. 

  1. Couldn't  breath in morning. Felt okay after 11. Felt sick around 4. Had a bowel movement then half an hour later I felt great like I'd gotten a massage. Weird. 

  1. Fine
  2. Fine
  3. Okay
  4. Okay
  5. Good
  6. Great
  7. Great
  8. Great

29 good

30 good

Oct 1 good

Oct 2 a little weird around 1 pm thought it was coming on 

3-5 mild 

6 felt normal for a while. 

7 semi rough evening. Swelling in feet. Actually Coughed up really stuff

8 meh bad afternoons

9 coukdhybbreathe 3 to 6

10 okay

11-13 okay. Feet still weird. 

14 actually pretty good. 

15-18 actual normal

19 11 am breathing issues. But went Ba way

20 - 26. Wow. No bad days. 27 +28

29 severe dizziness and nausea at night. Trouble breathing off and on. Can't read. Got better later. 

30 SOB all day severe nausea later. Got better late but still there a bit. Better 8 pm to 2 am. Bad at 4 am

31 woke up okay then huge waves a dizzy/nausea. Went away mostly in an hour. Some SOB during day. By 7 pm was really upset because still sick. Went away by 8 pm

Nov 1st - morning was okay. Afternoon SOB but milder

Nov 2 - 6 off and on SOB w some dizziness. 

7,8 meh stomach and breathing 4 pms

9 normal. 

10 normal

December 3 - 5 bad. Typical symptoms. More dizzy/nausea, less SOB. SWELLING. pins n needles. 

Jan 5th off enalapril but by 8th had to be back on it. BP too high etc. 

January 8 and 9 th

Bad. Started w swelling days before then pins. Terrible heart rate BP partially fixed by back to enalapril but even then had a horrible night on 9th. Hot flashes felt like adrenaline rush. Even laying down 90 to 100 bps. Took and hour to fall asleep. 2 separate episodes. 

Jan 10-13 got better

Jan 14th racing heart hot flashes evening. QVAR started. Pain. Dizzy. Jan 15 16 SOB pretty bad cotton lung came back around 10th. Feels like April except attacks don't have hyperventilation. 

Jan 17 much better

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